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A fun team event for VF Fencing members and invited fencers.



​Where and when?

Saturday 13th July 

2.15pm - 4.45pm


Sports Hall - Highdown School

Caversham - RG4 8LR




As we know all the children taking part, we will make the teams, mixing ages, genders and levels.

The format will be decided when we know how many children have signed up but we guarantee lots of fencing and fun.


Entries deadline: 05/07/24

The VFF Cup is free but you must enter using the form below.


British Fencing membership mandatory.


Children remain under the responsibility of their parents/guardians/carers during the entire time of the event.

An event welfare officer will be present.



How to book: Scroll down and select the date of the competition and ticket then click on "View Selections" then follow the steps to complete the booking.

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